Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Icicle Rhythm

Here we are almost through another month and most of winter! It would seem we are picking up the Rhythm of the "Up North" winter lifestyle.

We measure time by the length of our icicles
Victor gets up before me, by 2 hours most days. He has his coffee, watches the weather and news, works out the day's menus and whatever esle guys do in the morning. When he can't stand it any more, he wakes me up. I laze awake in bed for another 10 minutes, mostly talking to the dog, Goose. We have more coffee and start our day. It is now a perhaps a little after 9.

If it has snowed the night before, Victor will need to plow. This usually takes about an hour to do a good job on the whole property. If it hasn't snowed, Victor usually has a cabin related project, fix or improvement to work on or heads up to the front garages to work on whatever our current workshop project we are in the middle of.

I get on the computer and check to see what our stock prices would be if we owned any. I like to check the price of stuff we talked about buying but never did: gold, google, facebook and whatever else strikes my fancy. Then I check facebook to see what posts of great importance have passed my way since the prior evening. Then it is on to email, the blog and a number of other daily check websites like the Cedaroma analytics, TripAdvisor and Flipkey. If nothing pressing needs to be done with whatever  I have discovered in the opening series of clicks, I might run down and pick up the mail from the post office and work on that.

Before you know it, it's lunch time! That's when things get really crazy around here! Our whole day seems to be focused around the meals. Victor is trying out so many new things, each day is an adventure. Some of my favorite recipes are posted here and I have more to enter.

After lunch Victor goes back to his projects and I pick up something hoping to get it done from updating the website to categorizing the 2000+ photos we have, perhaps today is the day I will figure our medical insurance out, follow up on the credits due us by AT&T or maybe learn a new skill in  responsive webdesign. Did I hear there was a new tax tip to reveiw for innkeepers?

Come around 4 and we start wrapping up for the day and head out to the Bear's Den to see other people. Unless we take this daily trip for a beer and orange juice, we might forget there are other people on the planet with us!

Variations are Tuesdays and Fridays. These are the days the paper is published so we always go to the post office together and on Fridays we always stop in the thrift store to see what is new. Sometimes we have a list of things we would like to find, sometimes we just find neat stuff.

On very specials days (once a week certainly!) we head to Rhinelander and Menards for whatever pressing construction/project items we need. This week the list includes a threshold, 3 double plug plates, an electric box and stain.

And my favorite of all, usually on a Saturday afternoon, we go to the Casino. I play my $10 slowly and we are in and out in about half an hour.

It is a very simple life, almost like hibernating! The summer we anticipate great changes to include a lot more outdoor activity and people. I am looking forward to having more people in our life!

Sidebar: There are not enough vowels in that word "Rhythm"

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