Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Opening the package in Chicago

How we arrived at Cedaroma, part 3ish...

Arriving in Chicago, we successfully get the car stored away in the garage having traversed the labrynth of streets, high and low, that make up the busy downtown. After our hellos and hugs the first question is "So, what have you two been doing." and I, not Victor, reach into that closet, pull out the package of neatly wrapped properties and untie the knot that was to stay tight for 5 years. I picked out Cedaroma Lodge from the grouping and waxed on about how neat it was. That one small act started the dream of possibilities up again, no way to return to the back of the closet.

We continued our trek, not knowing when or if there would be an acceptance or counter offer and each day we were further from Wisconsin having headed South through the states of Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, then East to South Carolina and Victor's sister and her family. Here we spent 4 too warm nights on a too warm lake enjoying family duriing a too warm spell. But we love seeing Gary and Favs and always have a great time.

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