Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blog Block

If you follow this blog, then you know I haven't posted in a while. I am suffering from "Blog Block." Good intentions to blog daily are overcome by a lack of words. I think the block is coming from starting a theme and feeling the need to carry through on telling the story of how we got to Cedaroma. I promise that I will tell that story, as the words come to me, but will have to intersperce the blog with other such interesting tidbits that I find throughout the day/week/month. Without further ado, let me begin todays post:

Ah, Instead, why don't I start all new tomorrow?


  1. I know that feeling! By the time a few days go by, I have so much to catch up on that it takes hours to do. If I really did it daily . . .

    1. For me, there is also the self doubt. Who wants to read this blather???
