Sunday, January 27, 2013

Healthy eating. What?

Most who know us, know that Victor is a long time chef and have shared meals with us at the Cafe Charlotte, Peninusula Yacht Club, Stanford or somewhere else along the line, over the years. It is an absolute dream living with a chef... All that cooking I don't have to do. Thank you so much Victor. On the one hand it is so very unfortunate that Cedaroma doesn't have a little restaurant, he loves to cook for people.

Sometime mid-Deccember I got this bug in my bonnet about changing my eating patterns. I was not getting any smaller, wasn't even trying. Over the last 10 years I have gained 35 lbs and I can't say that I have tried a diet since my 20's. I often think about foods and usually follow a "I shouldn't eat that" thought with a "there are lots of things I shouldn't eat, and tomorrow I will start changing" thought.

So, one of my FB friends is a vegan/health food guru and I tend to read much of what he posts. (I think he actually reads before he reposts something and only posts interesting and valid ideas) This particular day he posted one about a 21 day kick start vegan program after I had mentioned that it takes 21 days to develop or break a habit. So, I off I went to see what it was all about.

I signed up that day, with little thought that it would actually happen as I am not the cook around here. A week later I mention it to Victor who sort of nods. Over the course of the next couple of days I share a tidbit daily that I have gleemed from the "get ready" emails 21Days was sending me. It is now December 30th and Victor asks me if I am still thinking about doing this vegan thing. Yeah, sure I guess, if you are... He will! So we don't start on the 1st, of course our fridge is full of meaty, cheesy, and creamy products. We eat through what we can for a few days and begin interspercing a vegan meal here and there. I have set myself to kind of ease into it for January and really start it in February.

By Saturday, January 4th, we had a vegan breakfast, vegan lunch and would you believe, vegan dinner. So I say stop screwing around and just do it. I announce myself as a vegan now to Victor so he knows what to start cooking for every day and haven't looked back since. Victor cooks only vegan at home. When we go out, he will order meat and he hasn't given up his cream for coffee, but he's with me most of the way on this.

I mention this all here because so many folks are calling out for the recipes for the courses that I am posting photos of. I can't keep up two blogs and facebook is not the place to post for recipes. I will blog here and blend it with the Cedaroma Blog. I hope you will follow along with us.

Saturday's lunch was a Thai soup with coconut milk, lemon grass
and a billion other delicious frech vegetables and interesting seasonings paired a cold
potato salad.


  1. I canNOT wait for the recipes and to hear all about your journey. In the past year it's been amazing to experience the positive improvements in my life due to veganism. It's been almost more rewarding to see how my parents' lives have transformed since beginning their veggie lifestyle! I hope you both enjoy it!

  2. Veronica, our first experience was when we stayed with your folks last January and they were transitioning. They served us a huge buffet of vegan choices for dinner one of the nights and we both enjoyed what we put on our plates to try, but were very tepid about "vegan." If we had been told we were trying an Indian menu tonight, or Pakistan, or Russian or anywhere in the world and served exactly the same items.... it would have been different. Not sure where/when veganism got such a bad rap. So far seems to be just good healthy eating choices and I am enjoying most of it. Though I can very much do without the vegan cheese!

  3. We're agreed on the vegan cheese. Unless you're talking cashew cream....mmmmm....
